Upcoming Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Trainings

The foundation of learning Sensorimotor Psychotherapy (SP) is built through studying its application to healing trauma and creating well-being. Discover a new dimension of effective therapy with SP by going beyond the verbal story and tapping into the wisdom of the body. The SP method enables collaboration with your clients to uncover their unique healing path. You will learn a framework to engage your clients, including tracking dysregulation, contacting and framing experience, and co-developing mindfully aware experiments with physical actions and body sensations, to resolve trauma in a way that words can’t.

Learn how to incorporate SP principles and skills in your practice to support a holistic approach to healing.

Search for a Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Training by level or location:

  • Level I: Treatment of Trauma Training
  • Level II: Developmental & Relational Injury Training
  • Level III: Advanced Integrative Training
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Upcoming Trainings

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